The Seasons

[Winter Dawn]
Winter Dawn
[Spring Morning]
Spring Morning
[Summer Afternoon]
Summer Afternoon
[Autumn Evening]
Autumn Evening
[Winter Night]
Winter Night

As you can see from the images on the left, The Seasons is a series of landscapes. Although originally created in oils, the pictures shown here were derived from scans of screenprints.
The underlying pattern, which is identical in each of the trees, was derived from a traditional Islamic design, to which was added a wave function. The 'landscape' was picked out by varying the colours used in each of the segments of the pattern. The tree structures were created by simply thickening some of the lines between the segments.

Clicking on any of the thumbnail images will bring up a bigger picture. Alternatively, go to the page describing how the design was built.

There are still a number of copies of the screenprints available for sale.

All of this fails to answer the one outstanding and burning issue - why are there FIVE Seasons?

And if you want to check that the version hanging on your wall is an original, have a look at the History of the Seasons

And lastly there is a chance to take part in the design process. Download your own copy of the pattern used to create The Seasons and colour it in.


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